25th Street Corridor Study
Background Information
25th Street S is an important section line minor arterial roadway in Fargo’s gridded street network. South of 32nd Avenue S, within the area included in this study, the corridor provides for north/south traffic movement between Fargo’s southern residential growth areas to nearby neighborhood retail nodes including grocery stores, retail and dining establishments, and banks. In addition, the corridor serves significant medical facilities, financial institutions, schools and churches. North of the study area, 25th Street S provides access to I-94 and to employment centers along 13th Avenue S, Main Avenue, and beyond.
A portion of the corridor, from 32nd Avenue S to the bridge over Rose Coulee, has been identified for reconstruction in the next decade due to poor pavement conditions. To ensure this project incorporates all necessary transportation improvements, the City of Fargo and Metro COG are carrying out a review and analysis of future transportation needs along 25th Street South from 32nd Avenue S to 64th Avenue S in advance of the planned reconstruction. The study will address corridor issues, and identify any needs associated with existing and future bicycle and pedestrian facilities, safety, transit facilities, traffic control, traffic operations, intersection capacity and operations, roadway capacity, and aesthetics of the corridor itself and the context with adjacent land uses. This corridor study will analyze the current roadway cross section in light of the surrounding land uses with the potential to consider alternative approaches to reconstructing the roadway.
Project Objective
The objective of this effort is to address transportation needs on this segment of 25th Street to identify existing and future needs for the corridor, some of which may be incorporated into the City’s short-term pavement improvement project between 32nd Ave S and Rose Creek. The City of Fargo would like to further its community vision that has permeated recent planning efforts stemming from the Go2030 Plan.
This study will seek to strike a balance between the need to move traffic between residential areas and employment/commercial areas throughout the region and the Go2030 goal of creating an Active Living transportation corridor along 25th Street S that serves all modes of traffic and enhances the neighborhood character of this part of Fargo.
The project will kick off in the spring of 2022 with existing traffic data collection. Public Input/Engagement along with alternatives development and analysis will take place in spring and summer of 2022 The final report recommendations is scheduled to be completed in early 2023.
Contact Information
Scott Middaugh, PE with KLJ is the Project Manager for this study. For any questions or comments please email 25thStreet@kljeng.com.