West Fargo Traffic Calming Study
Click the links below and use the project resources on the right side of this page to view/download the document. The City of West Fargo Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the Final Draft Report on Monday, January 17, 2022.
CLICK HERE - Final West Fargo Traffic Calming Study Report
CLICK HERE - Site-Specific Alternatives and Existing Conditions
Project Background
The Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments (Metro COG) will carry out a traffic calming study internally during 2021 with a high level of coordination with the City of West Fargo Engineering, Public Works, and Planning Departments. Six (6) priority locations have been identified by the City of West Fargo due to complaints from residents about excessive traffic speeds:
- 2nd Street East, south of 32nd Ave E
- 15th Avenue East, between 6th and 9th St E
- 16th Street East, south of 13th Ave E
- 7th Street West, between 15th and 19th Ave W
- 10th Street West, south of 13th Ave W
- Beaton Drive, between Sheyenne St and 9th St E
As time and budget may allow or as common themes emerge from the analysis of priority locations, subsequent analyses may be conducted at additional roadways as identified by City of West Fargo staff.
Project Objective
The West Fargo Traffic Calming Study will address complaints received from West Fargo residents about excessive traffic speeds by researching and understanding the traffic calming issue, identifying traffic calming techniques, engaging the public for feedback throughout the study process, providing planning-level cost estimates, identifying funding sources for implementation, providing tools for the City to make decisions about future traffic calming issues, and compiling an approachable and user-friendly study document for West Fargo regarding traffic calming within the city.
The purpose of this study is to:
- Research and understand the traffic calming issue at the identified locations,
- Identify potential traffic calming measures that could be applied to specific identified neighborhood streets on which the City of West Fargo receives frequent complaints about the speed of traffic,
- Provide a strong and user-friendly tool to assist the City of West Fargo in traffic calming related decision making for future traffic calming needs across the city,
- Provide public information and engage the public on existing issues and potential traffic calming measures,
- Provide planning-level cost estimates with help from City of West Fargo Engineering Department staff,
- Identify funding sources for implementation,
- Prepare a report that summarizes the findings of the research, public input, and analysis.