Moorhead 11th Street Underpass Update
The Minnesota Department of Transportation and the City of Moorhead have partnered to construct an underpass at 11th Street in Moorhead. The project includes two grade separations of 11th Street under the BNSF rail lines, paving, pedestrian accessibility (ADA) improvements, utility replacements and signals. Moorhead is bisected by multiple rail lines and this project provides many safety and mobility benefits by removing crossing blockages caused by heavy rail traffic.
When completed, the 11th Street Grade Separation project will enable traffic, bicyclists and pedestrians to travel under the rail lines that go through town.
Join us at an upcoming public open house at the Hjemkomst Center, 202 1st Ave N, Moorhead:
July 11, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Aug. 1, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Current traffic impacts
First Avenue closed between 10th Street and 12th Street, portion of Eighth Street closed north of First Avenue, and 11th Street closed between Second Ave North and Main Avenue, with Center Avenue remaining open to traffic.
• Detour to/from North Moorhead: 14th Street North, Fourth Avenue North and Ninth Street North.
• East/west detour: Eighth Street North, Center Avenue and 14th Street.
• Heading south? Use Eighth Street or 14th Street N to Main Avenue to 11th Street
Residents/travelers can expect loud noises and vibrations throughout the area during piling operations.
Read more about the project here