Transportation Alternatives (TA) Grant Opportunity

Transportation Alternatives (TA) Grant Opportunity
Metro COG is seeking applications for the Transportation Alternatives (TA) grant. The Transportation Alternatives program is a federally funded grant opportunity for projects that provide enhancement to alternative means of transportation such as bicycle/walking trails, safe routes to school projects, crosswalk improvements, and more.
This particular TA solicitation is for North Dakota urban projects located within Metro COG’s planning boundary. The funding is for projects in fiscal years (FYs) 2024 and 2025.
Please click on the application below to find out more, including eligible projects and eligible applicants. Applications are due end of day October 31st, 2022. Please submit all applications to Dan Farnsworth, Metro COG Transportation Planner, at or mail to:
Metro COG (Attn: Dan Farnsworth)
1 – 2nd Street N
Case Plaza, Suite 232
Fargo, ND 58102