Upcoming Moorhead I-94 & 20th St Interchange Study Public Open House

The Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments (Metro COG) will be holding a public open house


Tuesday, March 11th 

5:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Triumph Lutheran Brethren Church (2901 20th St S, Moorhead).


The open house will feature informational boards, public input exercises, and project staff will be available to answer questions. Meeting materials will also be available on the project website for those who cannot attend in-person. Online public engagement can be accessed by visiting the project website at www.fmmetrocog.org/20thInterchange with input being solicited until March 24th, 2025.


Public comments can also be submitted via email or mail to the project manager listed below:


Dan Farnsworth, Metro COG Project Manager
One 2 nd Street N.
Case Plaza, Suite 232
Fargo, ND 58102


The purpose of this study is to analyze the need and feasibility of a full interchange at I-94 and 20th Street. This includes reviewing traffic and travel time effects of a full interchange, identifying feasible interchange configurations, estimated costs, and more. Results from this study can help decision makers in deciding whether a full interchange should be pursued in the future


For questions regarding the study, please contact Dan Farnsworth, Metro COG Transportation Planner, at farnsworth@fmmetrocog.org / (701) 532-5106. Alternative participation options will be accommodated upon request.