Metro COG Seeking Freight Representative for TTC

The Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments (Metro COG) is seeking a representative of the freight industry as a member of its Transportation Technical Committee (TTC). The TTC reviews transportation plans, studies, and funding priorities for the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Area and makes recommendations to Metro COG’s Policy Board, which is made up of elected and appointed individuals representing Fargo, West Fargo, Horace and Cass County, ND and Moorhead, Dilworth and Clay County, MN.
The primary responsibility of the Freight Representative will be to attend a monthly meeting of the TTC, which typically meets on the second Thursday of the month at 10:00 AM. Both in-person and virtual meeting options are available. A packet of materials and information is emailed one week prior to the monthly meeting. The designated Freight Representative should be someone who works in the freight industry and understands the relationship between the area’s transportation and thnetworke needs of the freight industry relative to roadway characteristics, routes and services, reliability of travel time, safety, and the interaction between freight transportation, land use, and other modes of transportation.
Interested individuals should email Metro COG at Questions may be directed to Cindy Gray, Executive Director, at 701-532-5100.
Metro COG is committed to ensuring all individuals, regardless of race, color, sex, age, national origin, disability/handicap, sexual orientation, and/or income status have access to Metro COG’s programs and services. Meeting facilities will be accessible to mobility impaired individuals. Metro COG will make a good faith effort to accommodate requests for translation services for meeting proceedings and related materials. Metro COG’s Title VI Plan and Non-Discrimination and ADA Policy Statement can be referenced at
TTC Freight Representative Application