2022 Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan
Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan
Public Involvement Phase I
The first phase of public involvement occurred in September and October of 2021. This included public surveys, an online interactive comment map, and two virtual public open houses. Below is a link to watch the recorded virtual public open house.
Recorded Virtual Public Open House (6:00 pm, Tuesday October 12th)
Also, the public involvement results can be found in the Final Plan's Appendix A.
Public Involvement Phase II
The second phase of public involvement was held throughout the month of April (2022). This included public surveys, two virtual public open houses, and an online interactive map where the public could rank and provide comments on over 200 proposed bicycle/pedestrian projects within the study area. The results of the interactive map helped inform recommendations the Plan. Below is a link to watch the recording of the virtual public open house.
Recorded Virtual Public Open House (noon, Tuesday April 12th)
Also, the public involvement results can be found in the Final Plan's Appendix B.