Moorhead I-94 & 20th Street

Interchange Analysis


Two interstate highways run through the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Area, Interstate 29 (I-29) and Interstate 94 (I-94).  I-94 travels east-west through the entirely of North Dakota, Minnesota and other states to the east and west.  I-94 is the most heavily traveled roadway within the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Area per Metro COG’s 2021 traffic counts.  This interstate corridor plays a key role in national, regional, and local auto and freight transportation.

I-94 has a total of four interchanges which provide direct access to/from the city of Moorhead, MN.  However, of the four interchanges only two are full interchanges.  The interchange of I-94 and 20th St in Moorhead is a partial interchange, providing access to/from the west only.  Westbound traffic on I-94 wishing to use 20th St must exit at either 34th St (1 ¼ miles east of 20th St) or 8th St/US Hwy 75 (1 mile west of 20th St).  The lack of Interstate connectivity to/from the east on 20th St is presumed to increase the use of nearby interchanges and increase travel time for some users.

The objective of this planning study (project) is to analyze the need and feasibility for a full interchange on I-94 at 20th St, determine the traffic and travel time changes of a full interchange, and provide planning level layouts and cost estimates for interchange alternatives at this location.


Project Timeline

  • June 2023 – Project kickoff
  • June 2023 – March 2024 – Project development
  • September 2023 – Public engagement
  • January 2025 – Planned public engagement
  • February 2025 - Draft plan complete
  • April 2025 – Final plan adopted