17th Street N. Corridor Study - Moorhead, MN
17th St N is a major collector roadway located on the north side of Moorhead, MN. The corridor is one mile long and runs from 1st Ave N to 15th Ave N. The 17th St N roadway is known for its excessive width with a curb-to-curb width of 60 feet and public right-of-way width of 140 feet, nearly double the widths of similar adjacent roadways. Click the Corridor History button above to see information about the original platting of 17th Street, which laid the groundwork for how the corridor looks today.
The purpose of the Reimagine 17th Street Corridor Study is to study possible ways of improving the corridor in advance of a pavement improvement project that is scheduled for 2022. Possible scenarios will look at improvements to the corridor's aesthetics, improvements to multi-modal safety, enhancing quality of life in the neighborhood, calming of traffic, providing bicycle facilities, improving the sustainability of operations and maintenance of the corridor, and more. The corridor has the potential to be unique to the Fargo-Moorhead Area.
The reason Metro COG is collaborating with the City of Moorhead to study the project at this time is because the corridor is in need of pavement improvements. The City of Moorhead has a capital improvement roadwork project scheduled on the corridor in 2022 and would like to explore long-term options that may be considered as part of the proposed roadwork.
The study objective is to gather existing conditions, determine existing and future needs, provide planning-level corridor alternatives and planning-level cost estimates, gather input from the public and stakeholders to help guide feasible corridor alternatives, prepare a final report, and provide options and alternatives to funding future corridor improvements.