
Metro COG is guided by four (4) principle documents: Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), and Public Participation Plan (PPP). These guide policy making and transportation planning processes. Federal regulation specifies the content and purpose of these documents. Additionally, Metro COG produces a number of other plans and resources for the region, which are highlighted below.

Metropolitan Transportation Plan
Planning Our Transportation Future

Our MTP is designed to analyze all modes within the transportation network and set priorities for federal transportation funding. This plan is updated every 5 years.

Transportation Improvement Program
Identifying Near-Term Improvement Projects

The TIP is a compilation of significant surface transportation improvements scheduled for implementation in the Fargo‐Moorhead metropolitan planning area over the next four fiscal years.

Unified Planning Work Program
Implementing a Detailed Work Plan

The UPWP documents details and specific work tasks for Metro COG’s transportation and community planning activities for the next 24 months.
