Community Engagement
Community Engagement Meeting - February 22
Clay County and the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments (Metro COG) held a meeting to discuss the draft Clay County Comprehensive Plan at the Clay County Courthouse on February 22 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. Members of the public had the opportunity to attend the meeting in-person or virtually. The meeting included a brief presentation beginning at 6:30 PM.

Community Engagement Meetings - July 26 and 27
Clay County hosted two in-person public input meetings for the Clay County Comprehensive and Transportation Plan in the end of July. The first meeting was on July 26 at the Hitterdal Community Hall and the second meeting was at the Buffalo-Red River Watershed District Office on July 27.
Thank you to those who came out to visit with us!
Community Pop-Up Events - July 15 and 16
Thank you to everyone who visited us at the Clay County Fair on July 15 and 16! It was great hearing from all of you and getting your feedback on the issues important to you!

Virtual Community Engagement Meetings - March 23
Clay County and Metro COG held two virtual community input meetings on Tuesday, March 23. Both meetings provided the public an opportunity to be involved in planning for the future of Clay County, hear from fellow neighbors and stakeholders, and offer their input and ideas.
Each meeting included a brief introductory presentation followed by an interactive visioning workshop to develop written and visual statements about the County’s long-term goals and strategic objectives.
If you missed one of the first round meetings and want to get an update of the discussion, please watch the recording of the March 23, 2021, 5:30 p.m. meeting below:
A majority of the time spent during the public engagement meetings on March 23, 2021, was on the visioning board exercise. This engagement exercise provided an opportunity for meeting participants to provide feedback about Clay County and the most pressing issues/opportunities. Please click the image below to view the feedback received: