NDDOT Transportation Connection
The North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) is currently developing Transportation Connection - a plan for the future of transportation in North Dakota.
As the largest metropolitan area in North Dakota, this plan is extremely important for our community. This is your opportunity to let NDDOT know why transportation matters. Here are a few ways to get involved:
Visit online. Check out the website www.TransportationConnection.org to find up-to-date information, click through virtual meetings, take a survey, see recent news and events, and contact NDDOT. Information and surveys will be continually updated so check back often.
Follow on social media. Connecting online is an easy way to find out what is happening. Follow along on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and share surveys, news, and announcements to family and friends.
Take a survey and virtual briefings. Surveys are an important way for NDDOT to hear from you on what matters. Take a minute and answer a few questions or click through a virtual briefing on Transportation Connection to learn more about this plan.
Throughout the summer, stay tuned for new information and new ways to get involved. Follow Transportation Connection on social media and tell your friends, neighbors, and co-workers just how important it is that NDDOT hears from everyone to help develop a plan to help make transportation easy, safe, and accessible for all of North Dakota. For more information contact Stewart Milakovic, NDDOT Project Manager, at Connect@TransportationConnection.org or by phone at 701.328.2500.
Cindy Gray
Metro COG Executive Director