City of Moorhead
Americans with Disabilities Act
Transition for Public Right of Way
Executive Summary
The City of Moorhead ADA Transition Plan for Public Rights-of-Way is the summary of a three-phase approach to evaluating accessibility of the community’s infrastructure and achieving compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. This plan includes documentation of the following:
- The purpose and need of the document, and a summary of applicable federal law related to accessibility
- Documentation of the City of Moorhead’s policies and procedures related to accessibility of public rights-of-way
- Project field review guide
- Inventory of curb ramps and other facilities and their condition
- Public outreach efforts
- Required elements of an ADA Transition Plan – public comments, grievance procedure, appointment of ADA Coordinator, monitoring of the ADA Transition Plan, etc.
Through this effort, the City of Moorhead determined that 20 percent of inventoried
facilities (not including sidewalks) are compliant with ADA standards. The City of
Moorhead set a policy goal of achieving compliance through scheduled updates over the
next 30 years.