Casselton Comprehensive & Transportation Plan
Project Background
Casselton 2045 is the comprehensive plan for the City of Casselton and serves as a guiding document for future development in the city. The plan is built upon a foundation that acknowledges Casselton’s unique community aspirations and a framework for what the city will achieve over the next 20 to 30 years.
The plan contains information on current development and resources and anticipates future demand for certain land uses, municipal services, and other community needs. It addresses a variety of features including: population growth, housing, education, land use, transportation, public facilities, utility services, natural resources, economic development, and community character & design.
A series of recommendations and implementation projects have been developed to assist the Casselton City Council, Planning Commission, and community members with future development decisions. Many of these short and long-range actions have been set forth to ensure that the community develops and evolves in a desired manner. The planning process is dynamic and this plan strives to be reflective of Casselton’s changing needs in the future.
Project Contact Information
Adam Altenburg
Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments
Case Plaza, Suite 232
One 2nd Street North
Fargo, ND 58102