Fargo Transportation Plan


Project Overview

The Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments (Metro COG) and the City of Fargo are collaborating on a Transportation Plan for the City of Fargo. The Fargo Transportation Plan will build on and complement the City's Go2030 Comprehensive Plan. This project began in May 2021 and will be completed in Spring 2022.

Project Objective

The Fargo Transportation Plan will establish the framework that ensures every future transportation project builds a more sustainable, healthy, and economically vibrant community.

The Plan will provide the City of Fargo with the following tools: 

  • A Roadway Master Plan to guide future street design and improvements throughout the city;
  • A Policy Modernization Package to simplify current processes, align policies with the community's goals, and integrate updated land use guidance; 
  • An Implementation Guidebook that will make the Plan's recommendations actionable. 



Foundations Report (finalized September 2021) includes background and introductory information to the plan, a review of key previous planning efforts, project goals, and key policy considerations



Multimodal Assessment (finalized October 2021) includes a review of the City’s existing multimodal network, including a safety analysis, and level of service assessment for vehicles, pedestrians, bicycles, and transit.