Safe Routes to School Plan
Dilworth - Glyndon - Felton
Safe Routes to School Background
Safe Routes to School is a nationwide endeavor with the aim of making it safer for students to walk and bike to school and encourage more walking and biking where safety is not a barrier. In 1969 48% of children walked or biked to school. Within one generation only 17% of students walked or biked to school nationally.
Walking and biking to school has many benefits including student health, reduced traffic congestion near/at schools, and improved student concentration & learning.
Plan Background & Objective
The Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton (DGF) Safe Routes to School Plan is a cooperative effort involving the DGF School District, the Cities of Dilworth & Glyndon, PartnerSHIP 4 Health, and Metro COG. With the new changes to both the Dilworth and Glyndon schools in 2022/2023, this plan takes into consideration the new school site designs and the change in student demographics attending each school.
This plan looks at the existing conditions such as existing roadway/sidewalk/crosswalk/sign infrastructure, existing policies, demographic information, and more. To further obtain issues and opportunities for walking/biking improvement, this plan also involves public engagement which will include surveys, public open houses, and other input opportunities.
The study team observed student arrival and dismissal to determine which improvements should be considered to make walking and biking to/from school safer and more inviting.
Ultimately, a final report has been developed which includes identified issues, and recommendations that can be used by the school district and local jurisdictions to make non-motorized travel to/from school safer and more attractive for students.
Plan Timeline
· July 2022 – Plan kickoff
· Sept/Oct 2022 – Public open houses, surveys, onsite observations
· Oct 2022 - June 2023 - Plan development
· June 2023 – Final draft plan complete
· August 2023 – Final plan adopted