Safe Routes to School Plan
Dilworth - Glyndon - Felton
Public / Parent Engagement
Gathering input from the public, parents, and students is a key part of this Plan. This input helps the project team understand travel patterns, walking & biking safety concerns, areas of improvement, and more. This input was gathered in the fall of 2022.
The project team gathered input and travel information using the following:
- Parent Survey about Walking & Biking to School - This survey was given to teachers to distribute to their students as a take home assignment for the parents to fill out. A total of 313 surveys were completed. The majority of the surveys were completed during the month of October. To see the results of this survey, please click here.
- Student Arrival & Departure Tally Sheet - This survey was given to teachers to conduct a tally of students' travel patterns to & from school. All the surveys were completed during the month of October. To see the results of this survey, please click here.
- Public/Parent Open Houses - Three open houses were held to gather in-person input from the public, parents, and students. Two open houses were held at the Dilworth School and one at the Glyndon School. All three open houses were held in conjuction with parent-teacher conferences (October 17th & 18th). The public open houses featured informational boards, a voting exercise, comments forms, and comment maps. To view feedback received from the public comment maps, please click here. To view the feedback received from the voting exercise, please click here. (Results were combined with online engagement results).
- Online engagement - Online engagement was held from October 7th - October 31st. The online engagement features the same exercices of the public/parent open houses. To view feedback received on the online public comment maps, please click here. To view the feedback received from the online voting exercise, please click here. (Results were combined with the public/parent open house results).